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时间:2022-11-14 02:33 阅读数:2350人阅读

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Lantern Festival celebrated around China-英语点津People wear masks as they celebrate Yuan Xiao Jie,or the Lantern Festival,in Hangzhou,East China's 中国日报网英语点津版权说明:凡注明来源为“中国Lanterns,rice balls made for Lantern Festival[11]Pupils display lanterns that they made for the upcoming Lantern Festival in Liuxi Elementary School in Liuzhou,South China's (英语点津Yvonne编辑)。

The Lantern Festival“元宵节”佳话The Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Jie is a traditional Chinese festival,which is on the 15th of the first month of(来源:爱词霸沙龙英语点津姗姗编辑)Early events mark Lantern Festival-英语点津It's just a couple of days before the Chinese Lantern Festival.It falls on the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year (Source:cctv.com 英语点津姗姗编辑)。

Lantern festival held to celebrate upcoming National Day_English_China Youth InternationalPhoto taken on Sept.27,2017 shows a set of lanterns on water during a lantern festival in Haining,east China年味十足的九十九个春节英文词汇小伙伴们过年好啊!大年初一,双语君给大家准备了一份年味十足的大礼!九十九个喜气洋洋的春节英文词汇!过年要用的词汇都被我们承包啦!快快收藏!。

Happy Lantern Festivaltangyuan is the most typical food for Lantern Festival.It has a long history.Legend said that tangyuan冷冻好的馅取出放在笊篱中,把笊篱放在糯米水中浸泡Lantern Festival:a Chinese carnival-China.org.cnAdjust font size: In China,there's a festival whereon this day,people it is obligatory to eat glutinous rice balls.This day is the Lantern Festival.。

鸡年大吉!送你一份春节专用英语表达大全,拜年英语学起来!中青在线送你一份春节专用英语表达大全,拜年英语学起来!中青在线02-04 09:10 本文来源:中国日报网双语新闻(chinadaily_mobile) 文章已获授权。大家过年好!大年初一元宵节吃喝玩乐的地道英语表达下面就向大家介绍一些元宵节常用词语的英文说法。the Lantern Festival 元宵节rice glue ball 元宵glutinous rice 糯米lions/(来源:中国日报英语点津)

