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时间:2022-11-12 16:00 阅读数:1301人阅读

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“公筷”的英文是什么?可别再说成“public chopsticks”啦!Chinadaily.com.cn“一次性筷子”用英文怎么说?disposable chopsticks 老外一般用disposable形容那些只能用一两次的东西,一次性筷子、一次性手套的英文one-time 是什么意思?“我信你个鬼”用英语怎么说?别被人讽刺了都不知道-Chinadaily.com.cn如果有人对你说“Tell me about it.”可千万不要再喋喋不休的说下去,因为这个句子的意思是:可不是嘛!(好了,我同意,你别再说了。例句:A:His attitude is。


Happy Lantern Festival汤圆是中国汉族的代表小吃之一,是元宵节最具有特色的食物。tangyuan is the most typical food for Lantern Festival.It has a long history.Legend said thatLantern Festival-英语点津A Chinese woman walks under lanterns in Yu Garden in Shanghai February 12,2006.Chinese people celebrate on Sunday the traditional Lantern Festival 。

Lantern festival to be staged in ShenyangNanhu Park(South Lake Park)in Shenyang,capital of Northeast China’s Liaoning province,will hold a New Year lantern festival on Jan 20,according to a 一朵鲜花插在牛粪上:你知道英语怎么说吗?今天我在看一本英文书,非常有意思:这句英语写得十分优雅,但却和土气十足的“一朵鲜花插牛粪上”有着异曲同工之妙,这种强烈对比莫名戳中我的笑点。

China's Lantern Festival around corner_English_China Youth InternationalThe Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month,or March 2 this year.(Xinhua/Huang Xiaohai).My Lantern,my festivalAD220),the custom of lighting up lanterns and hanging them on the doorway of houses and guessing lantern riddles in big parks (英语点津Helen。

